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Real-time blockchain fraud detection

Unlock blockchain insights with Quine’s real-time graph query model to link transactions, detect fraud, and trace relationships effortlessly.

Stateful Digital Twin

Elevate your digital twin capabilities with Quine streaming graph. Generate real-time, stateful asset graphs for proactive threat detection and instant alerts.

Real-Time IoB Threat Hunting

Enhance threat hunting with Quine and Novelty Detector. Detect known and emerging behavioral patterns in real time. STIX compliant and seamless integration.

Authentication Fraud

Detect common authentication attack patterns with Quine, such as password spraying and credential stuffing to circumvent security risks in real-time.

Financial Fraud Detection

Enhance financial fraud detection with thatDot. Detect complex behaviors, scale to millions of events per second, eliminate false positives, and take instant action.

Streaming Graph ETL

Streamline ETL with Quine’s real-time approach. Act on events instantly, uncover patterns, and process categorical data. Scale seamlessly with Quine Enterprise.

Log Analysis

Elevate system monitoring with thatDot’s streaming graph. Connect logs and events for real-time issue identification and automated remediation.

Stop Querying Your Data: Ryan Wright at KGC23

Graphs are amazing

Quine streaming graph can process millions of complex, multi-hop graph events per second. But what design decisions and tradeoffs went into making this possible? And why does it matter to data engineers and their day-to-day?